
Terms of service

We are committed to providing comprehensive health and human development education to Australian and other young people and their families, whether via schools and universities, or in the family or community setting. 

We know the importance of parents and caregivers being involved in this type of education, which is why we work so closely with our out-of-school communities. Please see more about this in our Positioning Statements

We are also committed to increasing accessibility to our programs, which is why we offer them both face-to-face in schools and also online in various capacities. 

Bookings can be made via email, please see our contact page for more details. We provide a written quotation via email and then once a booking is confirmed we send a formal confirmation via our system. Payments are accepted by direct debit. 

Cancellation fees apply, please see the terms listed in the written quotation, or contact the office for more information. 

Sex Education Australia has public liability and professional indemnity insurance – we have never made a claim yet and we take our responsibility to child safety and quality of service seriously. 

We welcome feedback – both positive and constructive, and ask that complaints be directed to Jenny or Justine via email, or by ringing the office number. Please see our contact page for details.

Links to external websites
Material on this website contains links to other external websites not hosted on our domain.

Links to external sites are provided do not represent endorsement or recommendation. It is the responsibility of the user to make their own decisions about the accuracy and reliability of information found on external sites.

Downloading material
Where this website includes educational material intended for download it is provided without charge. Although we have made every effort to ensure that the material provided in the download is accurate, up-to-date, and free of virus contamination, we do not warrant or make any representation about the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the information or whether the download has been corrupted by viruses.

This website and the resources to which it refers are intended to provide educational and general information only. They do not provide comprehensive medical or legal advice. Please seek specific medical or legal advice in relation to individual circumstances. Sex Education Australia (SEA) accepts no responsibility or legal liability for reliance on the information contained on this site, or other sites to which this site links. SEA does not sponsor, endorse or necessarily approve of any material on sites linked from or to this website, the Facebook OR Instagram page. Before sharing resources with a child or young person, please make sure the material aligns with your comfort levels, personal values and beliefs.

The copyright for material on this website is owned by Sex Education Australia (or, in some cases, by third parties) and is subject to the Copyright Act 1968. All program content presented by Sex Education Australia remains the intellectual property of SEA. As per the Act, individuals or not-for-profit organisations may copy and communicate the materials (other than third party materials) for educational purposes. Any further reproduction or communication may be subject to copyright protection under the Act. Intellectual property rights remain with Sex Education Australia.

Reproduction and rights
Any requests or enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be sent here.

Use of the Sex Education Australia / SEA logos
Logos relating to the organisation are not to be used by third parties in hard copy or online publications or communication materials (including, but not limited to, advertising, promotion or display materials) without written permission from the Sex Education Australia.

When permission is given, it relates to the logo being used as a means of recognising Sex Education Australia’s appearance or support of a particular event, program or initiative, and it does not in any way imply general support of the third party’s organisation or any of its other activities.

Photos of Sex Education Australia’s staff members or its founders are only to be used in relation to the promotion of events, presentations etc. with the written permission of SEA. Photographs or logos should not be taken from this website.

Please get in touch with us regarding any of these matters.