
Other resources for parents

Other resources for parents

Online resources

Amaze (‘Sex Education; more info, less weird’)

Better Health (talking to children with a cognitive disability about sex)

Be You Kids Matter (promoting mental health wellbeing for young people)

Birds and Bees and Kids (tips and tools to start the sex ed talks)

Bullying No Way (proactive approach to bullying education and prevention)

Common Sense Media (information about tech, apps and games)

Every Body Curious (sex education)

Kids Helpline (supporting parents and children)

National Centre Against Bullying (help with childhood bullying)

Raising Children Network (Australian parenting website)

Sex Ed Rescue (‘Find a better way to talk to your kids about sex’)

Sexual Health Victoria (care, education, advocacy)

Student Wellbeing Hub (information for parents about bullying and online safety)

Talk Soon. Talk Often: A Guide for Parent Talking to their Kids about Sex