
For schools

Two children are running out of tall metal school gates. Ahead is a boy in a white shirt with a backpack on, looking back as he holds onto the side of the gates, and in the mid-ground of the image is a child running with a school hat on, and with a blue backpack.

For primary schools

Our school-based primary programs are tailored to the year level, and cover not just anatomy, puberty and reproduction but also body safety (‘protective education’), consent, respect, friendships and staying safe online. Our programs align with both the Victorian and Australian Curriculums, and are run by specially-trained and experienced educators, with expert knowledge, sensitivity and humour.

Two school students chat, one who is white is facing the camera and has short fair hair cut a-symmetrically with a fringe across the forehead. In her arms she carries books and a backpack over one shoulder. She wears a blue school jumper and white collared shirt, with grey skirt. She is talking to another student of indeterminate race, who faces away from the camera. She also wears the same uniform and has long dark hair in a ponytail.

For secondary schools

Our secondary programs give students the opportunity to learn in a relaxed and non-judgemental environment and provide clear messaging and strategies to support young people’s developing knowledge base and decision-making skills.

'I loved how Rebecca was so kind and took us through every step and concept slowly. It wasn't tense or worrying because of the way that she calmly explained each and every concept. I personally don't think that there is anything that needs to be improved. It was a smooth and calm process and it wasn't as worrying as I thought it would be.'

Year 5-6 student