
Secondary school programs

Revising concepts from primary school, and building
knowledge and skills, are key at the secondary level

Sex Education Australia for Secondry School
Year 7 presentations

Year 7 presentations

  • Puberty Review: change, respect and friendships
School Students Learning about Sexual Health

Year 8-10 presentations

  • Setting the Scene: crushes, consent and early dating
  • Nuts & Bolts: safer sex, STIs, contraception and the law
  • Respectful Relationships, intimacy and consent
  • Sex & Technology: managing life online
  • Pornography: the big picture
  • Consent: On the Same Page (understanding consent, coercion, harassment and respecting boundaries)
Empowering Students with Sexual Health Knowledge

Year 11-12 presentations

  • Nuts & Bolts: safer sex, STIs, contraception and the law
  • The Sex Ed Q&A session (answering student questions)
  • The Low Down: sexual health, fertility & pregnancy 
  • Healthy Relationships: respect, intimacy and consent
  • Sex & Technology: managing life online
  • Pornography: the big picture
  • Consent: On the Same Page (understanding consent, coercion, harassment and respecting boundaries)
SEA Programs for School Students

Consent: On the Same Page (for Year 9 - 12)

Understanding consent, coercion, harassment and respecting other people’s boundaries

This presentation is a 60-minute lecture delivered to large groups and was designed to help young people work towards a positive consent culture. It was developed and written with the consultation of young people, and our presenters are youth-friendly. They present with positivity, to make sure all students feel included and accepted, not judged.

Teaching about consent is something that requires skill, sensitivity and nuance, and we know many schools and teachers find it an overwhelming prospect. ‘Consent: On the Same Page’ is an inclusive presentation that is relevant and developed for all students, regardless of family background, religion, ability, race, gender identity and sexuality. Our approach to consent education is positive and practical; students come away with ideas and skills on how to more confidently give and advocate for consent. In addition to covering the facts, our consent education presentations help young people understand the importance of building a positive consent culture in their school and other environments.

To enquire about this special presentation, emails us at bookings [at] seaprograms [dot] com [dot] au

Parents and Children Learning Together

Parent webinars for Years 7-12

Our parent information sessions are for those who want to be involved in this area of their young person’s education. These evenings are usually connected to in-classroom programs but they can be run as stand-alone sessions for schools to offer further support to their families. These information webinars are held via Zoom, and can cover:

  • an overview of the current trends, issues and online challenges affecting young people in Australia
  • the importance of young people being able to have conversations at home with trusted adults about healthy relationships, respect, decision making and consent
  • resources for parents
  • why inclusivity is important
  • what to talk about and the language to use
  • how to answer tricky questions
  • how families can view these topics in different ways (due to cultural and/or religious influences)
  • why students in secondary school still need that ‘go to’ person at home even as they’re growing up