
Category : Friendships and respect

A photo of two people and smaller person (child) against a reddish pink background.

Raising emotionally healthy boys

Raising emotionally healthy boys In Australia, men are three times more likely to die by suicide than women. It makes [...]
Two speech bubbles overlapping against a reddish pink circle.

Resources to help kids learn about racial prejudice, cultural diversity, and empathy

For many parents and caregivers, talking to their children about how race can play a role in people’s judgement of […]

Two speech bubbles overlapping against a reddish pink circle.

You hear your 10-year-old using homophobic slurs. What do you say?

If you catch them in the act, it’s good to respond right there and then. One approach is to ‘play […]

A star inside a reddish pink circle.

You catch your 5-year-old playing ‘doctor’ with their schoolmate. What do you do?

Eeeeeek! We all dreaded this moment, didn’t we? This can be quite a confronting situation for parents and caregivers, but […]