Category : Feelings

Two speech bubbles overlapping against a reddish pink circle.

How to talk to a child or teen who doesn’t want to listen

How to talk to a child or teen who doesn’t want to listen As a parent, having a child who [...]
Puberty Red Circle

Mood swings: tips for supporting your young person

Mood swings: tips for supporting your young person Remember puberty? It’s an exciting but challenging time for young people as [...]
Image of a person with a speech bubble with an

The puberty talk you might have missed (but need to have)

The puberty talk you might have missed (but need to have) There are a lot of changes that come with [...]
Two speech bubbles overlapping against a reddish pink circle.

Talking about covid-19 with your children

Talking about covid-19 with your children With the state in a stretching-out lockdown 4.0, we thought we’d dig up this [...]
Two speech bubbles overlapping against a reddish pink circle.

What is a ‘trusted adult’ (and why are they so important)?

What is a ‘trusted adult’ (and why are they so important)? You might have heard the terms ‘trusted adult’ or [...]
Puberty Red Circle

Talking to boys about sexism and respecting women

Talking to boys about sexism and respecting women We all want our kids to be respectful of others. Whatever your [...]
A photo of two people and smaller person (child) against a reddish pink background.

Raising emotionally healthy boys

Raising emotionally healthy boys In Australia, men are three times more likely to die by suicide than women. It makes [...]
Two speech bubbles overlapping against a reddish pink circle.

You notice that your 15-year-old daughter has started skipping meals. What do you do?

You notice that your 15-year-old daughter has started skipping meals. What do you do? While it’s Women’s Health Week, we [...]
A small person standing next to a larger person (representing a child and an adult), with an arrow behind them pointing towards the adult, against a reddish pink circle background.

Your child tells you they’re scared to get their period. What do you say?

It’s completely normal for a young person to be feeling a bit nervy about their period starting. And to be […]

One person with their hand around another against a reddish pink circle.

Let’s talk crushes

We all remember our first big crush. Maybe it was the boy or girl in your class, or Brad Pitt. […]