
Category : Online safety

Helping Schools with Sexuality Education

Helping your child navigate current affairs, bad news, and graphic content

Helping your child navigate current affairs, bad news, and graphic content Recently, we’ve spoken about how young people are at [...]
SEA Resources for Sexual Health Conversations

From ‘smut’ to ‘shipping’ to Harry Styles: here’s your guide to teen fanfic

From ‘smut’ to ‘shipping’ to Harry Styles: here’s your guide to teen fanficSo what is fanfic? Fanfic is, in short, [...]
A computer screen with an '18+' symbol on it, representing explicit content.

Talking to your child about porn: age-appropriate conversation starters

Talking to your child about porn: age-appropriate conversation starters Australian children increasingly have access to—or are exposed to—pornography from a [...]
Online Safety

Social media use over the holidays: talking to your teen or child

Social media use over the holidays: talking to your teen or child With the school year over and the long [...]
A silhouette of a phone, with a love heart symbol and a set of dots (…) indicating an ellipsis, or typing.

How to keep your child safe on the internet (including games and social media)

How to keep your child safe on the internet (including games and social media)Talk about it (and often) The first [...]
A silhouette of a phone, with a love heart symbol and a set of dots (…) indicating an ellipsis, or typing.

Teen relationships and social media

Teen relationships and social media With teenagers stuck at home unable to see their romantic interests or partners face-to-face, many [...]
An outline of a loudspeaker against a pinkish red circle.

What can parents do about the supposed ‘national rape day’ video?

What can parents do about the supposed ‘national rape day’ video?Content warning: rape Once again, an alleged new disturbing TikTok [...]
Two speech bubbles overlapping against a reddish pink circle.

Navigating the Christmas holidays: bodily autonomy and technology usage

Navigating the Christmas holidays – bodily autonomy and technology usage For those who celebrate Christmas, or get together for any [...]
Helping Schools with Sexuality Education

Porn vs real-life: what your teen needs to know

Pornography is no longer the playful, ‘your pizza is here’, magazines hidden under the bed sexiness. Porn today is more […]

A silhouette of a phone, with a love heart symbol and a set of dots (…) indicating an ellipsis, or typing.

You discover your 17-year-old is on a dating app. What do you do?

First, take a deep breath. It’s normal to be shocked by finding something like this; dating apps aren’t generally made […]