
Category : Puberty

A small person standing next to a larger person (representing a child and an adult), with an arrow behind them pointing towards the adult, against a reddish pink circle background.

How to cope with your child’s transition into a teenager

How to cope with your child’s transition into a teenager We talk a lot about how parents and carers can [...]
Two speech bubbles overlapping against a reddish pink circle.

Menstruation myths your child needs debunked

Menstruation myths your child needs debunked Puberty – especially menstruation – can be particularly confronting for kids reaching adolescence. Our [...]
Online Safety

Tween obsessions: what you need to know

Tween obsessions: what you need to know One big psychological change of puberty is the sudden need for greater independence. [...]
Puberty Red Circle

Puberty myths your child needs debunked

Puberty myths your child needs debunked Puberty can be particularly daunting for kids as they start to approach adolescence. Our [...]
A small person standing next to a larger person (representing a child and an adult), with an arrow behind them pointing towards the adult, against a reddish pink circle background.

The DO’s and DON’Ts of the puberty talk

The DO's and DON'Ts of the puberty talkThe physical stuffBody hair DO: Provide tips on how to shave properly if [...]
Two speech bubbles overlapping against a reddish pink circle.

You notice that your 15-year-old daughter has started skipping meals. What do you do?

You notice that your 15-year-old daughter has started skipping meals. What do you do? While it’s Women’s Health Week, we [...]
A small person standing next to a larger person (representing a child and an adult), with an arrow behind them pointing towards the adult, against a reddish pink circle background.

Your child tells you they’re scared to get their period. What do you say?

It’s completely normal for a young person to be feeling a bit nervy about their period starting. And to be […]

Two speech bubbles overlapping against a reddish pink circle.

How to have ‘the talk’

This is one of the most frequent questions we get from parents and caregivers. With many adults never having received […]