
Category : Sex

Two speech bubbles overlapping against a reddish pink circle.

Myths about sex your teen needs debunked

Myths about sex your teen needs debunked When topics become taboo, it breeds misinformation. And there are few topics more [...]
A silhouette of a phone, with a love heart symbol and a set of dots (…) indicating an ellipsis, or typing.

Teen relationships and social media

Teen relationships and social media With teenagers stuck at home unable to see their romantic interests or partners face-to-face, many [...]
Two speech bubbles overlapping against a reddish pink circle.

The do’s and don’t’s of the sex talk with your teen

The do’s and don’t’s of the sex talk with your teenConsent DO: Explain that enthusiastic consent has to be given [...]
One person with their hand around another against a reddish pink circle.

‘Virginity’: myths your teen needs challenged

'Virginity': myths your teen needs challenged There’s a lot of pressure around ‘the first time’. And teenagers should take their [...]
An outline of a condom against a reddish-[ink background.

You find an unused condom in your teenager’s pocket – what do you do?

This is the first in our ‘What do you do/what do you say?’ series that focuses on answering questions we […]

Two speech bubbles overlapping against a reddish pink circle.

How to have ‘the talk’

This is one of the most frequent questions we get from parents and caregivers. With many adults never having received […]